Sunday, February 11, 2007

I went out for a walk round Selsey today and took a few snaps of the railway carriage cottages with the Nokia N73. The combination of aa 3.2 megapixel sensor and Carl Zeiss lens is giving excellent results.
Back in the 1920s, a cheap way of getting a holiday home by the sea was to buy a condemned carriage from the Southern Railway, take it off its bogies, tow it down to the beach on a cart and stand it on a few brick pillars. The N73 took some great pics, despite light that would have had the England team sprinting back to the pavillion.
The Green Bungalow (left) still has 'SMOKING' etched into the window.

Santos (right) looks as though it is just about to arrive at Platform 3, all stations to Portsmouth Harbour not calling at Hilsea Halt.
Take a look at the sky behind - most of the cameraphones I have tried until now would have rendered those clouds as a uniform grey mush.
The N73 is, for the first time, as good a camera as any 35mm snappy-snaps job. It's a pretty good phone too.


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